
  • Distroless Python Images With Docker

    Lately I needed to reduce the attack surface of a Python 3.10 Docker image to a bare minimum. I searched the web for best practices and came across distroless Docker images. As time of my investigations the Python version on the provided distroless image was 3.9. After gathering enough information...

  • Cryptopals Challenges (XOR)

    I thought it was time to delve deeper into the field of cryptography and C. Thats why I challenged myself solving the famous Cryptopals challenges using the C language. Here is what I have so far… Craxor While solving the cryptopals challenges I thought it is probably a good idea...

  • I Passed CEH

    I passed the CEH (312-50) exam, yay! It was a long and challenging journey, but I finally made it. It grew as an idea in my head back in 2019, I tackled in November 2020. In this post I want to tell you how. My Road To Success Because I...